Pros of Synchronous Online Learning

McLaren College
2 min readMay 11, 2022


In our last blog post, we spoke about the ‘Pros of Asynchronous Online Learning’, in this post we focus on the live version of online learning.

Understanding the terminology: synchronous learning is used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that occur at the same time, but not in the same place. The term is most commonly applied to various forms of televisual, digital, and online learning in which students learn from instructors, colleagues, or peers in real-time, but not in person.

The benefits: here we list a few of the topmost beneficial features of synchronous online learning

1. Collaboration, Engagement, And Interactivity

Learning together gives learners the ability to engage with the content, the teacher, and each other, which in turn increases the overall engagement.

2. Improved Learner Outcomes

The instructor can offer real-time insights to students to help them understand while gaining the ability to receive instant feedback on the quality of their instruction to improve themselves.

3. Boosts participation

When given the option to complete tasks on their own timetable, many students will wait until the last possible moment. Synchronous learning creates a sense of urgency. Real-time deadlines and expectations lead to greater participation.

If you’re new at learning programming read our previous blog on ‘How to start your Javascript learning journey



McLaren College
McLaren College

Written by McLaren College

An online school designed to identify and train people for software engineering careers who otherwise may not have such an opportunity.

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